Is Sanger a murderer? It seems that her autobiography claims that Margaret Sanger is against abortion and she actually believed it is wrong because it kills a human being: "To each group we explained what contraception was; that abortion was the wrong way—no matter how early it was performed it was taking life; that contraception was the better way, the safer way—it took a little time, a little trouble, but was well worth while in the long run, because life had not yet begun." In another occasion, she also said that birth control is "no abortion. Abortion kills life after it has begun. . . Birth Control is neither harmful nor immoral." That is the exact argument of the RH Bill advocates -- that we need contraception to minimize illegal abortions. Sounds plausible; or does it? History showed that Sanger is not really anti-abortion after all. She actually spent the rest of her life convincing Americans and the whole world, through her (now) worldwide organization, that abortion is a normal part of a woman's life, and that the government should support it.

With a very subtle intention, she said, "While there are cases where even the law recognizes an abortion as justifiable if recommended by a physician, I assert that the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization." It conditions the readers' minds that she was really a champion of women and that she personally opposes abortion, although the law and the health care providers consider it acceptable in particular cases. Through this statement she wanted to imply that there are times when abortion is not absolutely wrong. She even claimed that "the woman who goes to the abortionist's table is not a criminal but a martyr." Sanger was a very crafty woman. She had written and spoke self-contradicting statements but instead of being put under scrutiny she had successfully confused the whole world, changing it's values, cultures, and notion of life. While continuously claiming that contraception is far better than abortion, she encouragingly stated, "We know that abortion, when performed by skilled hands, under right conditions, brings almost no danger to the life of the patient, and we also know that particular diseases can be more easily combated after such an abortion than during a pregnancy allowed to come to full term." Planned Parenthood doctors still use this deception, telling women that abortion is safe..."even safer than giving birth."

So what kind of citizens do Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood want us to be?
- Promiscuous
- Disrespectful
- Irreligious
- Murderers
- Adulterous
- As perverse as we can possibly be
RH Bill advocates can say forever that this is not about abortion; that this is about women's health; that this is about preventing abortion; but we already know their color. Planned Parenthood is the largest organization of baby-killers and their dirty tactics are already EXPOSED.
The Autobiography of Margaret Sanger (Google Book)
What Every Girl Should Know, by Margaret Sanger

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