On the first 17 seconds of this video, can you tell whether it opposes or promotes abortion?
The tone of the narrator and the sound at the background suggest to me that every abortion is a tragedy, and that no one for any reason must permit it. However, the intention of this video is far from that impression.
What it attempts to do is to make people think that though abortion is a sad truth of life, it is a reality that everyone should accept; and that because there are times when resorting to abortion is inevitable, we must provide safe, free, and "dignified" way to provide it. In short: ABORTION FOR FREE! Will you still be surprised when, in the future, they would offer a sort of buy-one-take-one promo?
Let me comment on some part of the presentation.
When the narrator was saying that a mother's understanding of her responsibility as a parent is the reason why she decides not to have another baby "right now", the video reads, "Primary reason for deciding to get an abortion."
According to their statistics:
Three out of four women who had abortions are religiously affiliated. Why the need for this data? Simple. The intention is to make it appear that abortion does not hurt the religious disposition and moral standard of the majority of women. Being irreligious themselves, people from this organization (Guttmacher) failed to truly realize that religion and morality do not depend on people's emotions and opinions; that it must recognize an objective truth.
"Catholic women have abortions at the same rate as women overall." The goal of the statement? To make people think that Catholic women do not really "approve" Catholic teachings in its entirety, especially when it comes to contraception and abortion -- their so-called reproductive health. And why is Catholicism so important that it has an exclusive part in the statistics about abortion? Because the Catholic Faith is the greatest enemy of the "culture of death" -- the religion of Satan, whose ministers are these pro-death people. They need to shake the foundation of the Catholic Church in whatever way they can, hoping desperately to destroy it.
Abortions are more rampant among poor and colored women simply because Planned Parenthood planned it to be that way. Their abortion centers and [dis]information campaigns are concentrated on the black areas. This is what we may call the Planned Parenthood's Planned Genocide -- Margaret Sanger's Negro Project, whose current main puppet is the black leader, Barrack Obama.
Not enough access to contraception, affordable health care, not enough education opportunities and good jobs? Are we talking about abortion? Or poverty? Resorting to abortion has no direct relation to unemployment, underemployment or lack of scholastic education. Poverty is not a justifiable reason to commit murder in any form, right? And will they abort less if they are employed, well-paid or a degree holder? On the other hand, contraception cannot make anyone richer, except of course the manufacturer. Really, what's the point of that argument?
Contraception, sex education, information, health care; all sounds familiar, right? Reproductive Health! Now, let's listen to them, first hand, what's next...
"But while prevention is key, there will always be who need abortions." And take good note of the plural term -- abortions. Same tactic ever since. Margaret Sanger started with criticizing abortion and presenting contraception as the best way to minimize the cases of unsafe and illegal abortion. The keywords are "unsafe" and "illegal". If it can be safe and legal, then why not? That's the next part of the story. Suddenly, Sanger claimed that there are cases where abortion is justifiable and necessary. But it did not end there. Eventually, the mother of Planned Parenthood said, "The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it." Could it be more twisted? That's exactly the principle of Planned Parenthood, and that is what they plan to do, especially among colored people, including Filipinos.
"Abortion is basic health care for women." There you go! That's the main point of this presentation; that is the main point of Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood; and that is the main point of the deceptive RH (introduction to abortion) Bill. Now, are we just talking about the legalization of abortion? No. It's about subsidizing abortion using taxpayers' money. But they cannot do that here in the Philippines until contraceptive mentality becomes a general culture, and the government is already paying millions, if not billions of pesos, for contraceptives and sterilization procedures. Thus, the need for the RH Bill. Even the US Supreme Court recognizes that pattern: contraception first, abortion next. They are best friends forever.

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