"Let us deal warily with them lest they increase still more and, in case of war, side with our enemy, fight against us." -Pharaoh against the children of God.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Do They Look Unhappy?

Do they look unhappy? Not to me! I think the American contraceptive/abortion mentality is the one hurt by the sight of this big happy family. Their "experts" say that women should have an average birth rate of 2.1 to have a stable world population. It is proven to be flawed, though, by just using simple scientific arguments.

Some people will surely say, "They have money, we don't have." That's exactly the reason to wonder! Why some have small family and yet stay poor, while others who were not wealthy to begin with can sustain their big family? Why some small families are unhappy and even end up broken, while other big families can even extend their joy and love to others? Is it really about the number? I believe it is rather about the mindset.

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