Now, when we thought the RH bill is dead, its twelfth section (Mandatory Age-Appropriate Reproductive Health Education) is actually being enforced, directly violating Article XV Section 3 Paragraphs 1 & 4 of the Constitution and other parts of it. The said program is funded by the United Nations with the help of US, of course, just like the other contraceptive programs. Have you not heard the presence of Planned Parenthood Federation of America in the Philippines who, according to them, "works to improve contraceptive use among adolescents and youth through peer education and outreach programs"? They were here since 1971, and the RH bill's agenda is actually their agenda.
What HB 5043 asks for is not the moral consent of the Filipino people since they can and will try to do all of its proposals with or without the go signal from the citizens. What they actually asks for is budget. This is what the bill is all about -- billions of taxpayers' pesos. With the help of UN and Obama, though, RH bill can and will still try to enforce itself without needing to be a law.
If these people do not know how to respect individual rights, and can make a rug out of the Constitution, do you know what more they can do and will do when they already have our sweated-for money?

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