The texts in italic and underline are the objectors' statements while the normal texts are my replies.
Exactly the right question to ask J.C. De los Reyes.
Besides, does the Memorandum prohibits, THUS VIOLATES, parents’ PREROGATIVE of teaching birds and bees at home?
Exactly the right question to ask J.C. De los Reyes.
Besides, does the Memorandum prohibits, THUS VIOLATES, parents’ PREROGATIVE of teaching birds and bees at home?
Wrong comparison and application of principle. The memorandum does not prohibit anything, rather it does what it should not.
“The State shall defend: (1) The right of spouses to found a family in accordance with their religious convictions and the demands of responsible parenthood; and (4) The right of families or family associations to participate in the planning and implementation of policies and programs that affect them.” (Art XV Sec 3, Constitution). The contraceptive mentality of the DepEd curriculum and the Catholic principles that true Catholics live by cannot be reconciled. For the DepEd to insist on it is to violate the religious rights of the Catholic families. Were family associations such as Couples for Christ and other pro-life families invited, heard, and actually considered before the program was approved?
Do we need to prove more than one Constitutional violation before it would be taken seriously? Sound moral judgment is enough (even without the Constitution) to prove that DepEd’s act is inappropriate.
the fact is almost all parents do not talk to their children about sex. they lear about it on their own from their peers or porn. that is a very dangerous thing as it does put sex in a very distorted way.
gtetting the schools and teachers to teach children about sex is a much better option. it will be done preofesionally and in a very structured way.
even if its taugght in school, parents should discuss sex with their children and discuss what they learned in school so that the parent will get involved in the learning process and will allow the parent to define the values the parent believes in.
That is almost my point in the article Usaping Sex sa Paaralan [] that I have written last year. The only idea that I cannot agree with is that “getting the schools and teachers to teach children about sex is a much better option. it will be done profesionally and in a very structured way.” Even today’s general values education is not better than what good and well-trained parents can give their children. When I graduate from high school, I received the “Best in Values Education”, “Most Well-Behaved”, “Most Responsible”, and “Most Trustworthy” awards, but I cannot attribute it to the school’s “structured and professional” way of teaching. I was and still am very positively critical of teachers, parents, and superiors. It would take at least two generations for our teachers to be able to teach sexuality without shying away or without making students shy away. And it should be noted that in order for the children to be not malicious regarding sex education, it must — like charity — begin at home. Teachers cannot build that foundation.
the primary source of values ought to tbe parent, not the schools and teachers. schools and teachers however are the primary source of education. so let’s allow teachers and schools teach sex education and let us not allow parents to abdicate teaching of values.
Parents are the primary teachers; school teachers are just secondary parents; therefore, school teachers are secondary teachers, especially about subjects that directly affect a person’s life and outlook. Sex education will always be a primary affair of the parents, not of school teachers. Teachers can share their knowledge with the parents, but they cannot be an actual parent when it comes to educating children about sex.
Exactly, how does the memo prohibit the primary right of parents to develop moral character in their children as claimed by Kapatiran? With or without the memo, I can still teach my children about penis and vagina, right? This is my point of contention not what the “memo does what it should not.” Which is another point of discussion.
Educate me if you will but I cannot find from this article nor from the Inquirer’s that Kapatiran accuses DepEd of prohibiting something. If they do, then I believe AKP must have a wrong conclusion. What the DepEd does is it violates the rights of the parents. Besides, it could not in anyway or any reason prohibit parents from anything. It has no power to do so. Both you, if you are a parent, and your child’s teacher, if he/she is well trained, may and should talk about penis and vagina. However, teachers should be limited within the scope of anatomy, physiology, and hygiene. Parents are the ones who should tell their children when, how, why, and in what context it should be used. The arguments of Kapatiran as per Inquirer’s report has solid grounds. If somebody has any other article where the party has been reported saying something strange, please let me know.
Did the memo say, impliedly or otherwise, Deped is taking the primary role of teaching sex education to children. Parent’s neglect, or lack of knowledge, will only make it so. But were parents taught proper sex ed in school?
I have not seen the full text of the memo (as of the moment) so I could not say that it has implied or explicitly said in letters that it would take the role of the parents. However, the mere fact that both DepEd and DOH have the influence of contraceptive culture, and that this sex education aims to shape the students’ moral and practical view regarding the use of their sexual faculties, it actually tries to take away (or at least compete with) the role of the parents. The concept sounds so RH bill.
Well, there are more trees that the catholic church should bark upon that are more influential in shaping the students’ moral and practical view regarding the use of their sexual faculties, that they actually try to take away (or at least compete with) the role of the parents.
We have noontume shows like Wowowee, movies depicting illicit sex, the MTV culture, immoral actors and actresses (how many of them go catholic church on sundays?) to name a few.
Who are we to judge that sex education will lead to promiscuity? Do you have studies to prove this? On the contrary please read the editorial of the philippine daily inquirer today. It might just assuage your fear.
I don’t think the Church failed to teach the principles on how to discern the morality of movies and TV shows. Priests may or may not point out Revillame’s behavior, for example, but it’s up to them. Besides, what you deem moral (or immoral) applies to everything. Furthermore, TV shows and movies could not be more influential than teachers if the parents have “the authority” over their children. It is only in extreme situations that the Church should warn the faithful about particular shows. That is still the role of the guardians in ordinary circumstances.
And what does the question “How many of them go to Catholic churches on Sundays” imply? That they should not be allowed to? That they should be singled out on homilies? Any other else? When parents teach their children about honesty, it is very wrong and insensitive to say to one who is known to be dishonest, “Kaya ikaw, huwag kang sinungaling!” That scene is common but it is wrong parenting. You should not even say to your children, whether you have 2 or 12, the line, “Ang titigas ng ulo nyo!” It is an act of condemnation rather than of correction.
We do not judge, we discern. We do not speculate, we use principles. And as I have said earlier, DepEd is living and thinking in a culture of contraception and two-child mentality; that alone is enough to see where this is leading to.
Sex education is a very broad term. I used to talk about sex “on air”, and I am still giving insights about it to whoever solicits it from me. Sex education itself “should” not lead to promiscuity; however, wrong education might lead to wrong behavior.
Did sex education “really” help Americans to be less promiscuous? Read Humanae Vitae, then tell us where Paul VI failed to perceive our generation more than 40 years ago. Besides, why should the government insist on teaching sexuality beyond its [government's] bounds? They should know the word respect better than that.
I am not sure why you have adopted my words, but if you want to imply that it is the Church who tries to take away or compete with the role of the parents, then you have a wrong proposition. First, religion is a personal choice; it is neither a curriculum nor a memorandum. Whatever the Church teaches, the faithful asks for it. The minister of Baptism asks the catechumen: “What do you ask of God’s Church?” And the answer is: “Faith.” (CCC Part 1, Sec 1, Chap 3). The baptised-to-be’s gesture professes that “Whatever the Church teaches, I believe.” Whether you are a parent or still a child, you actually asked your church (whether you are aware or not) to teach you according to its faith — that is religious belief, morality, and discipline.
Second, the State recognizes and shall defend “the right of spouses to found a family in accordance with their religious convictions” as per the Philippine Constitution. This just means that the State also recognizes religion has the primary influence in parenting and family life.
In short, the Church cannot compete with the parents because it is actually one of their influences. Now, it is not the case with DepEd, because whatever attacks a family’s religious belief is a violation of its religious and constitutional rights. And besides, what DepEd wants to do is already outside its boundary.
“But were parents taught proper sex ed in school?”
If the sex education that you are referring to is as what DepEd defines it to be, then parents should have not been taught. But the more real argument here is that not all parents went to school. The question is not generally applicable. It would have been better if the question is, “Were the parents taught proper sex education?” My answer then is, “They should be now.” The focus of the proposal should be on the word “proper” and not on the “school”.
Now, the reality is: parents are parents. They have the responsibility to know what they should know. Whether they went to school or not, the fact that they are parents should push them to be responsible enough to study. Learning about life is not always done inside a campus; most of the time, it is outside. Whether poor or rich, parents should always be one step ahead of their children when it comes to life’s essentials. The Church may not reach everybody, but everybody may approach the Church and its Magisterium. Now, someone would say, “But the Church has a wrong perception about sex.” According to the world, yes; but according to the Creator of the world, the Church is “the Teacher”. Christ’s sending words are, “Therefore go and make disciples (i.e. students) of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Another one would say, “But not all Filipinos are Catholics.” Most Filipinos are Catholics and all Catholics must live according to their Faith; that means according to the teaching of the Church. Now, how about non-Catholics? Again, I would say, everybody may approach the Magisterium of the Church, whether someone wishes or not to be a Catholic. That is a “free education” offer. And if non-Catholics want to stick with the moral teaching of their churches, then good for them. But to argue that not all Filipinos are Catholics just to justify the presence of “sex education” in schools is lame. DepEd still violates rights.